Bologna process

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Summary description:

The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications.

Type of activity: Workshop

Presenter: Lecturer Dr. Nazar R Othman

                   Assistant Professor Dr Vian Affan Naqsbandi 

Affiliation: Hawler Medical University 

Audience: Faculty staff of college of nursing

Venue: College of Nursing

No. of Participants: 23

Day:  2 days 

Date:  2-5 / 9 / 2021

Time: 6 hrs


Day One

  • Introduction to Bologna process
  • Bologna process in higher education
  • Bologna process from European countries to the global
  • Reasons and benefit of Bologna process in nursing college
  • Discussions


Day Two

  • How to prepare objectives and learning outcome according to the year of study and specialty
  • Presentation of students’ workload


Agenda of workshop 2-5 / 9 / 2021



Questions +Answers + discussion + Debate 


Introduction to Bologna process

Dr. Nzar



Bologna process in higher education

Dr. Vian  



Bologna process from European countries to the global

Dr. Nzar



Reasons and benefit of Bologna process in nursing college

Dr. Vian  



How to prepare objectives and learning outcome according to the year of study and specialty

Dr. Nzar



Presentation of students’ workload 


Dr. Vian  



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