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Suicide Prevention

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Summary description: Suicides today are one of the big global problems and there were many factors that interfere and make a web of reasons. We need to have good skills to prevent and manage suicide. This workshop is to try to help our staff in the College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University to take some knowledge and skills for preventing and managing suicide. This workshop was done by coordinating between the Administration of the College, Nursing department, and Quality Assurance Committee

Type of activity: workshop

Presenter: Dr. Abdulqader Hussein  

Affiliation: College of Nursing/ Hawler Medical University 

Audience: Teachers

Venue: College of Nursing

No. of Participants: 28

Day: Thursday

Date: December 21, 2021

Time: 11:00 AM  -  12:25 PM





11:00-11:15 am

Starting workshop

Dr. Ibrahim Hasan Mustafa

11:15-11:20 am

Pre-test knowledge

Dr. Abdulqader Hussein

11:20-11:40 am

Break time Presentation: definition the  suicide, incidence, provenances, causes, how are more risk, prevention, and management     

Dr. Abdulqader Hussein

11:40am-12:20 pm

Retest knowledge with presenting comments and suggestion   

Dr. Abdulqader Hussein

12:20 pm-12:25 pm

Ending workshop

Dr. Ibrahim

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