Midwifery Students Evaluation in the Clinical Placement

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Summary description:

 The workshop took place on November 27, 2021, 8:00pm Saturday through zoom via (online). It was organized to a develop evaluation forms of midwifery students, and orientate the  clinical instructors who evaluation midwifery students in the clinical placement.  

Type of activity: Workshop

Presenter: Dr. Warda Hassan Abdullah,  Mr. Dlzar S.Anwer

Affiliation: College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University

Audience: Clinical Instructors in the Department of Midwifery, College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University.  

Venue: College of Nursing

No. of Participants: 21

Date: 27/11/2021 Saturday

Time: 08:00pm

Online Workshop of Midwifery Students Evaluation in   

Clinical Placement








at 8:00pm

8:00- 8:10 pm

Introduction to the workshop 

Dr. Tiran Jamil

8:10- 8:40 pm

Summative Vs Formative Assessment

Mr.Dlzar S.Anwer

8:40- 9:20 pm

Students Clinical Evaluation Form

Dr. Warda Hassan Abdullah

9:20- 9:25 pm


9:25- 10:00 pm

Application of Evaluation Form and Discussion

Dr. Warda Hassan Abdullah



  • The workshop present through the Zoom program via, before start day the link will be sent to the participants.
  • All requirements and clinical evaluation form will be sent to the participants before start day.
  • All Midwifery Clinical Instructors should be participation on the workshop.
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