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Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar

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As this month (October) is recognised as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we, as the Center for Research and Education in Women's Health, consider ourselves

responsible to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast cancer through education on symptoms, early detection and treatment. For that purpose, we have launched an educational campaign to make women (from different socio-demographic background) aware of the issue and thus take appropriate steps from early diagnosis to treatment options.
The first awareness seminar was delivered to a group of women attending Brayati Family Health Center in Erbil. The aim was to introduce women with facts about breast cancer, symptoms, risk factors and early detection methods. Breast Self-Examination was the focal point of the seminar as it was shown how and when to perform it.

Presented by: Dr. Kazhan I. Mahmood
Number of audience: 30
Date: Sunday, 13th October 2019
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Location: Brayati Family Centre / Erbil

Further educational activities to be continued throughout this month.

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