Fundamental Techniques in Cell Culture

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Title: Fundamental Techniques in Cell Culture

Medical Research Center/HMU in collaboration with the College of Science/Medical Analysis
department/ TIU
Summery description in the English language:
This workshop arranged to introduce Cell culture technique to an audience have scientific
background in biomedical studies. It will tackle the main concepts in cell culture, definition
and content. Through this workshop the receivers should gain enough information about the
basic requirements of Cell culture and its potential applications.

Type of activity: Workshop
Presenter: Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Chawsheen, and Dr. Peshraw Salih Hamadamin
Venue: Tishk International University, College of Science, Edu. Building, Hall #302
No. participants: +50
Date: December 5th, 2023
Time: 9:30 AM

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