Changing Lifestyle and Diabetes Type 2

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We are as a Medical Research Center staff held a workshop which was titled: (Changing Lifestyle and Diabetes Type 2) and presented by

: (Prof.Dr Kareem Fattah Aziz) on (19/2/2023) and this workshop was lasted for one hour and the participants in this workshop has got a lot of benefit from it.


Activities Document

Title: Changing lifestyle and diabetes type 2

Summary description in the English Language:

Diabetes type 2 has a significant association with lifestyle changes such as (physical activities, intense exercise, eating healthy foods, fruits, and vegetables, limitation of carbohydrates, Losing weight gradually to achieve a healthy body mass index replacing refined carbohydrates with healthy foods, increasing intake of vegetables and other foods high in dietary fiber reducing the amount of saturated fat in the diet, Brisk walking, Cycling, Swimming, reducing stress levels good sleep and others.

Type of activity: workshop about diabetes type 2

Presenter: Prof. Dr.Kareem  F. Aziz Al-Barzinjy

Qualification: PhD in community health nursing

Affiliation: Hawler Medical University /College of Nursing.

Audience Teachers and staff.

Venue: Hall of pharmacy college

No. of Participants: 40 or more may be some other guests.

Day:  one day workshop

Date: 19-2-2023

Time: 10.30 am



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