Training course about PCR work flow

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Training course about PCR work flow, which include

theory del about PCR and instrument of PCR and practical del (DNA extraction for blood sample to detect gene ARG1 233bp which responsible of  asthma disease , PCR amplification for gDNA samples and agarose gel electrophoresis to run DNA amplified ) by molecular biologist Ashti Said.


Title : Polymerase Chain Reaction Workflow

Summary: In this training course we will explain theory and practically ( Polymerase Chain Reaction workflow ) step by step from DNA extraction by kit and how will amplify this DNA and how prepare the agarose gel and will use.

Type of activity: Training Course Presenter:

 Aza Bahadeen Taha

 Ashti Mohammad Amin Said

Venue: Seminar Hall, Medical Research Center , HMU

No. participants: 20

Day: 8. Jan . 2022 to 12. Jan . 2022

Agenda Title of Agenda: Date Time Topic Presenter





                                                       First day

8. Jan .2023


9:30 -1:00

Introduction about PCR and lab instrument

Ashti M. Said

                                                   Second day

9. Jan .2023


9:30 -1:00

DNA Extraction

Ashti M. Said

                                                  Third day

10. Jan .2023


9:30 -1:00

PCR Amplification

Ashti M. Said

                                                Fourth day

11. Jan .2023


9:30 -1:00

Gel Electrophoresis

Ashti M. Said

                                                  Fifth day

12. Jan .2023


9:30 -1:00

Discussion and question

Ashti M. Said


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