Today on 22/11/2022 Tuesday, in the College of Health Sciences/Hawler Medical University, the discussion for Master's student (Helen Jawdat Sabri) under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Rundk Ahmad Hwaiz was hold, in the field of Clinical Biochemistry. The discussion and judging committee consisted of Prof. Abdulkarim Yasin, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hshyar Najib, Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafael Abdul Razzaq. After valuable and fruitful discussion that last for more than two hours, a committee awarded a master's degree in Clinical Biochemistry with distinction to the student.
It is worth noting that the committee members expressed their appreciation because for the first time two scientific research papers were extracted from the master thesis, which are published in local and international indexed in the scoupus and clarivate.
This thesis include the discovery of new mechanism of Diabetes Mellitus and its complications.