on the occasion of world Antimicrobial (AMR) awareness week,

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On Tuesday 22/11/2022, on the occasion of world Antimicrobial (AMR) awareness week, Hawler Medical University was organized a Symposium entitled (Antimicrobials: handle with care) in a collaboration between the college of health sciences , and College of Health Science and general directorate of Health /Erbil at Hawler medical university in presence of Vice chancellor of scientific issue at Hawler medical university professor Dr. Zhyan Dezayi and Dean of the college of Medicine Dr. Dashty Al Bustany, Dean of the College Health Science professor Dr. Hamdia Merkhan, Dean of College Dentistry Dr. Bassam, Vice Dean of the college of Medicine Dr. Nashwan Karkhi, Vice Dean of the College of Nursing Dr. Ibrahim, Dr Dilan Hadeat Allah (responsible of AMR section in General Directorate of Health /erbil), academic staff, and students at Hawler medical university.

The presenters were: Dr. Kamal Ismael, Dr. Shler Ghafour, Dr. Chato Ali , Dr. Omer Surchi, Dr. Dilan Hadeat Allah, Dr. Samira Fataah. Moderators: Ass. Prof Dr. Fatiheea Fatihalla and Ass prof. Dr. Sahar Zaki

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