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Dental Rehabilitation Clinics Project

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The College of Dentistry in Hawler Medical University implemented the dental rehabilitation clinics project from 1 September 2021 to 31 May 2022 to provide different

dental services by undergraduate students to patients under the supervision of the faculty staff.

Treatment procedures were provided in the fields of prosthodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, conservative dentistry, and dental radiology.

The provided services included surgical removal of impacted wisdom tooth (third molar) which is one of the most common complaints of young patients in Erbil city, temporomandibular dysfunction problem, Cone Beam Computed Tomography as an integrated part of dental implantology and maxillofacial prosthesis.

Also, this project included other services such as Crown & Bridges Construction, Pulpectomy, partial and complete denture fabrication, removable and fixed orthodontic with functional appliances, root canal therapy and teeth build up by complex amalgam restoration and surgery of endodontic treated teeth.

A total of 11129 patients were treated at these clinics during the project duration. A total of 14584 treatment procedures were performed by undergraduate students yielding a total revenue of 57,340,000 IQD, 


A short video on the services provided in the dental clinics

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