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Pediatric Dental Clinics Project

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The Pediatric Dental Project was developed by the College of Dentistry of Hawler Medical University in order to prevent decay and improve dental community health.

The project include running pediatric dental clinics by undergraduate and postgraduate students under the supervision of the teaching staff from the Pediatric Dentistry Unit of the POP Department. The primary school-age children were the target group of this project. The project included prophylaxis treatment by topical fluoride application for deciduous and early-erupted permanent teeth. It also included fabrication of space maintainer and aligner to prevent problems associated with early loss of teeth due to either trauma or destruction by dental caries. Removable appliances are made to prevent tilting of other teeth in addition to the motivating patient to standard oral hygiene requirements. The project extended from 1 September 2021 to 31 May 2022. A total of 964 children received treatment at the Pediatric Dental Clinics at the College of Dentistry. Undergraduate students from the fourth and fifth grades and postgraduate students performed 2201 treatment procedures yielding a total revenue of 8,658,000 IQD.

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