Dr. Sangar Muhammad AHMED Lecturer Head of Department   VISION Our vision is to become an active department of public health in Iraq, popular in Middle East and respected international

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    Nutrition and Dietetics Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Rundk Ahmad Hwaiz  Head of Department   Mission Department of Nutrition and Dietetics works to supply the public and private secto

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List of new entries to the Library of the College of Health Sciences # Book title  Publishers  Isbn Year QTY 1 Medical Biochemistry 1st Edition AP 978-0128035504 2017 2 2

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The University's quality assurance procedures provide a framework within which its institutions can examine and enhance their teaching activities. Hawler Medical University (HMU) consists of a diver

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Contact Address  Address: 100 meter Street, Near Rizgary hospital, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Telephone:   +964(0662273127) Dean's Office: +964(07512023990)                      Â

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