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There was a Workshop at Medical Research Center which  lasted for 3 days (3 hrs/ day) which was entitled :(Graph Pad Prism 6)

and presented by:(Dr.Ismail Mauloud , Dr.Dler Galaly , Dr.Amin Bakir and Mrs.chiman Hamed) and supervised by:(Dr.Yasin Kareem Amin) the general director of Medical Research Center on (17,18,19/12/2018) and 70 academic attendants from the most around Hawler Medical University and Salahddin University were participated in this workshop have got a lot of benefit from this Workshop.


Workshop announcement



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Download this file (GraphPad_prism_Agenda-2.pdf)GraphPad_prism_Agenda-2.pdf 549 kB2021-05-17 09:29
Download this file (workshopannucment.docx)workshopannucment.docx 14 kB2021-05-17 09:28
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