The Department of Medical Microbiology at College of Health Sciences in Hawler Medical University discussed the Master’s Thesis titled (A study of Molecular Diagnosis and Histopathological Impacts of Toxoplasma gondii on the Placenta of aborted women in Erbil City) on Wednesday, 22nd November 2023. The Examining Committee was Chaired by Professor Dr. Adel Talib Mohammed accompanied by both Assistant Professor Dr. Louis Abdulahad Saida and Assistant Professor Dr. Hawri Mustafa Bakr as Members, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Akil Khudhair as a member and supervisor. The Vice President for Academic Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. Mehmet Ozdemir, Dean of Faculty of Nursing Professor Dr. Hiwa Bakir Banna, and Head of Department of Nursing Dr. Dara Abdullah Al-Banna at Tishk International University attended the discussion along with the Dean Professor Dr. Hamdia Mirkhan Ahmed and the Vice Dean Mr. Luqman of College of Health Sciences. Through genotyping of the query samples, it was found that all of selected genes belonged to the genotype III of Toxoplasma gondii and 5 Accesion Numbers were granted by NCBI and were registered in a special genebank of the researcher and the supervisor. After the Defense, the Student was rewarded with a degree of excellence.