Advances in Medical Researches Symposium

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Advances in Medical Researches Symposium

On 28/02/2023, Department Of Nutrition and Dietetics hold a symposium under the title Advances in Medical Researches. Assist. Prof. Dr. Rundk Hwaiz, head of department with a group of staff presented their researches in the field of medical sciences.
The speakers were Assist. Prof. Dr. Tavga Salim, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Merza, MSc. Lanja Mahmood, MSc. Shian Ismael, and Dr. Sazan Mazin.
In this Symposium many articles were discussed about Cellular mechanism of Diabetes Mellitus, the medication and remedy of Diabetes Mellitus, thyroid cancer, detection of microbial pathogen in the restaurant food, inflammatory disease and pancreatitis.




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