The Messala Charitable Organization appreciation and thanks to the college of health sciences

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In appreciation of the Messala Charitable Organization which supported by the United Nations for a group of academic staffs and students of the College of Health Sciences and with the support of the Center for Research and Health Education of women at Hawler Medical University in presenting a seminars in a various topics, including those related to nutrition and also some seminars on AIDS on the occasion of World AIDS Day, and Mrs. Bekhal which is responsible for the organization presented a certificates of thanks and appreciation to Assistant Professor Dr. Sahar Muhammed Zaki, (Head of CREWH) and also to Mrs. Amani Laith Hamid, also presented a certificate of thanks and appreciation to some of the students which supervised by Dr Shereen Abdullah hamasalih from microbiology department participating in the activities of the organization
Mrs. Bikhal met with the members of the College Council and thanked Prof. Dr. Hamdiya Mirkhan Ahmed for her continuous support to the organization and also her wishes to continue cooperating with the center and the college in order to aware and educate women in different subjects




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