Health Sciences Quality Assurance committee has organized a set of seminars that were presented by Dr Katan S Ali; Dr Tavga Diazy; and Dr Bahra Mohammed Noori.

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Health Sciences Quality Assurance committee has organized a set of seminars that were presented by Dr Katan S Ali; Dr Tavga Diazy; and Dr Bahra Mohammed Noori. The presented subjects were diverse and included the history of emerging and re-emerging viral infectious diseases. The second presentation involved lung cancer in a heavy smoker. The last two subjects concentrated on medical physics field and these included using borate silica glasses doped with Sodium in term of TL (thermoluminescence) properties to find their possibility to use as radiation dosimeter’s glass for gamma radiation. In addition, various concentration of sodium doped borate silica glasses were examined in term of thermoluminescence properties to find their option to use as glass radiation dosimeter for electron and photon beam.



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