Third session of Competence-Based Curriculum Workshop

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Third session of Competence-Based Curriculum Workshop

Today October 12, 2021, under the title of Competence-Based Curriculum, the third session of the workshop was held at the College of Health Sciences. Designing effective curriculum and coursebook were focused and presented by Dr Mohammed Ali. The faculty members of the College effectively participated in the discussions of reviewing the module curriculum and coursebook.

Worth mentioning, this session was a part of a three-day workshop about competence-based education presented by invited speakers from Garmian University, Assist Prof. Dr. Asaad Mohammed and Dr. Omar Mahmood, with our faculty member Dr. Mohamed Ali. The aim of this workshop was to introduce the participants to the competence-based curriculum. Topics like Modern Learning Methods, Assessment Tools, and Learning Outcomes were covered by the speakers.

File of Course book press: 

Coursebook Sample


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Download this file (Coursebook pres. 2.pdf)Coursebook pres.Coursebook pres. 2083 kB2021-10-12 20:15
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