The Career Development Center organized a Workshop for a group of students

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Before beginning the micro internship program, on 25 June of 2023, the career development center of Hawler Medical University organized the workshop

under the title ( Planning ) which was presented by:  M. Zanear Jabbar Ssali, Lecturer at Erbil Technical Management College, the Business Development Consultant, and Trainer.

A group of students participated from the colleges of ( Medicine,  Pharmacy, Health Sciences, and Nursing).

The aim of the workshop is to increase the knowledge  and skill of the  medical field  student  in labor marketing after graduation

After the workshop, we did the meeting also  with selected students who will do the  micro internship program and their distribution in different medical fields according to their specialization and their locations 


Assist prof. Dr. Katan S. Ali

The Director of the career development center

 Hawler Medical University  

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