
Erbil Dental Forum 2018

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Under the patronage of Assistant Prof. Dr. Dara O. Meran, President of Hawler Medical University, the College of Dentistry held the second Erbil Dental Forum 2018 in Erbil International Hotel on 15 May 2018.

The forum included an interactive and interesting plenary session about Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Cleft Lip and Palate Management with the participation of Assistant Prof. Dr. Othman Abubakir, Assistant Prof. Omer Chawshli, Dr. Zana and Dr. Zhala Dara Meran. The second part of the forum included the National Student Scientific Conference of the College of Dentistry including research and case presentation by the students and recent graduates. The forum was attended by a number of officials and more than 120 faculties and students.

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