
Genetic Analysis Workflow

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Title: Genetic Analysis Workflow

Summery description in the English language: The aim behind this activity is to introduce “Research” as reliable technique to an audience that may have interest in using it in their future work. This training course will cover the basics requirements of successful genetic analyses (instrumentation, Software and Kit ).

Type of activity: Training Course


  • Ashti Mohammad Amin Said · Aza Bahadeen Taha
  • Rebwar Jalal Ali · Govand Musa Qader

No. participants:16

Day: 27. 11 .2022 – 12. 12. 2022

Title of Agenda:


Agenda Topic




−Introduction about genetic analysis theory

−Explanation about the genetic analysis apparatus

Aza Taha , Ashti Said , Rebwar Jalal ,

Govand Musa


9:30 - 2:00


−Extraction of DNA by automate express practical in the lab

Extraction of DNA by automate express practical in the lab

−How to use the automate express DNA extraction apparatus

Aza Taha , Ashti Said , Rebwar Jalal ,

Govand Musa


9:30 -2:00


−Real-time PCR for detection quantity of DNA practically in lab

−How to prepare sample for running

Aza Taha , Ashti Said , Rebwar Jalal ,

Govand Musa


9:30 -2:00


−Genetic analysis 3500 apparatus

−How to prepare sample for running

Aza Taha , Ashti Said , Rebwar Jalal ,

Govand Musa


9:30 -2:00


−Genetic analysis 3500 apparatus

−How to prepare sample for running

Aza Taha , Ashti Said , Rebwar Jalal ,

Govand Musa


9:30 -2:00


−Analysis the result


Aza Taha , Ashti Said , Rebwar Jalal ,

Govand Musa


9:30 -2:00



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