List of HMU Candidates for Post-graduates Examination 2023-2024

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List of Hawler Medical University Candidates for Post-graduates Examination 2023-2024




FileDescriptionFile sizeLast modified
Download this file (Dentistry 1.jpg)Dentistry 1.jpg 190 kB2023-06-10 22:10
Download this file (Dentistry 10.jpg)Dentistry 10.jpg 156 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Dentistry 2.jpg)Dentistry 2.jpg 135 kB2023-06-10 22:10
Download this file (Dentistry 3.jpg)Dentistry 3.jpg 201 kB2023-06-10 22:10
Download this file (Dentistry 4.jpg)Dentistry 4.jpg 183 kB2023-06-10 22:10
Download this file (Dentistry 5.jpg)Dentistry 5.jpg 174 kB2023-06-10 22:10
Download this file (Dentistry 6.jpg)Dentistry 6.jpg 173 kB2023-06-10 22:10
Download this file (Dentistry 7.jpg)Dentistry 7.jpg 171 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Dentistry 8.jpg)Dentistry 8.jpg 177 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Dentistry 9.jpg)Dentistry 9.jpg 153 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Health Sciences 1.jpg)Health Sciences 1.jpg 7 kB2023-06-10 22:13
Download this file (Health Sciences 2.jpg)Health Sciences 2.jpg 7 kB2023-06-10 22:14
Download this file (Health Sciences 3.jpg)Health Sciences 3.jpg 6 kB2023-06-10 22:14
Download this file (Health Sciences 4.jpg)Health Sciences 4.jpg 2 kB2023-06-10 22:14
Download this file (Medicine 1.jpg)Medicine 1.jpg 7 kB2023-06-10 22:08
Download this file (Medicine 10.jpg)Medicine 10.jpg 4 kB2023-06-10 22:09
Download this file (Medicine 2.jpg)Medicine 2.jpg 8 kB2023-06-10 22:08
Download this file (Medicine 3.jpg)Medicine 3.jpg 11 kB2023-06-10 22:08
Download this file (Medicine 4.jpg)Medicine 4.jpg 10 kB2023-06-10 22:08
Download this file (Medicine 5.jpg)Medicine 5.jpg 10 kB2023-06-10 22:09
Download this file (Medicine 6.jpg)Medicine 6.jpg 10 kB2023-06-10 22:09
Download this file (Medicine 7.jpg)Medicine 7.jpg 10 kB2023-06-10 22:09
Download this file (Medicine 8.jpg)Medicine 8.jpg 8 kB2023-06-10 22:09
Download this file (Medicine 9.jpg)Medicine 9.jpg 10 kB2023-06-10 22:09
Download this file (Nursing 1.jpg)Nursing 1.jpg 86 kB2023-06-10 22:12
Download this file (Nursing 2.jpg)Nursing 2.jpg 169 kB2023-06-10 22:12
Download this file (Nursing 3.jpg)Nursing 3.jpg 179 kB2023-06-10 22:13
Download this file (Nursing 4.jpg)Nursing 4.jpg 156 kB2023-06-10 22:13
Download this file (Nursing 5.jpg)Nursing 5.jpg 124 kB2023-06-10 22:13
Download this file (Nursing 6.jpg)Nursing 6.jpg 150 kB2023-06-10 22:13
Download this file (Pharmacy 1.jpg)Pharmacy 1.jpg 191 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Pharmacy 2.jpg)Pharmacy 2.jpg 184 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Pharmacy 3.jpg)Pharmacy 3.jpg 239 kB2023-06-10 22:11
Download this file (Pharmacy 4.jpg)Pharmacy 4.jpg 178 kB2023-06-10 22:12
Download this file (Pharmacy 5.jpg)Pharmacy 5.jpg 249 kB2023-06-10 22:12
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