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Memorandum of Scientific Coordination with Nineveh University

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The president of Hawler Medical University signed a memorandum of scientific coordination with Nineveh University.
In order to sign a memorandum of scientific coordination on Thursday, September 21, 2023, a delegation of Hawler Medical University led by Professor Dr. Nooruddin Ismail Allah Verdi, President of the University, accompanied by Assistant Professor Dr. Hawre Mustafa Bakr, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Omar Abdulqader Naqshbandi, Director of International Academic Relations of the University Presidency visited the Presidency of Nineveh University in Mosul, where they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani, President of Nineveh University and members of the University Council.

The meeting discussed the scientific coordination between the two universities. Afterwards, a memorandum of scientific and standard coordination between the two universities was officially signed by the presidents of the universities. It is worth mentioning that this memorandum opens the door to special coordination in the specialties (medicine, pharmacy, and nursing) regarding the conduct of joint activities between the colleges of both universities (conferences, workshops, seminars) and the exchange of teachers and students in science to further improve the scientific level in these universities.
Finally, the president of Hawler Medical University presented the shield of the Presidency of the University to the President of Nineveh University and the President of Nineveh University presented the shield of the Presidency of Nineveh University to the president of Hawler Medical University.

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