Workshop on Erbil Dental Journal

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Under the  supervision the dean of the College of Dentistry of Hawler Medical University,

the continuous dental education committee in the college held a scientific workshop under tittle of 'Erbil Dental Journal the New Era for Dental Researches' in the Seminar Hall on 9/12/2019.

The workshop included the following topics:

  • Information About Erbil dental Journal by Asst. Prof. Dr. Rizgar M. Hasan
  • Requirements of impact factor and Scopus journals by Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazar  P. Shabila
  • How to review an article by Asst. Prof. Dr. Zakaria Abdullah Al-Khayat
  • How to submit to an open access journals by Asst. Prof Dr. Diyar Khald Bakr

Around 30 faculty staff and postgraduate students participated in the workshop.  

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