Workshop of Digital Dentistry about “ Facebow Transfer”.

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On Wednesday dated 22/11/2023, the College of Dentistry/Hawler Medical University under the direct supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Bassam Karim Amin, Dean of College of Dentistry and Assist. Prof. Hemn Muhssin Suleman, the Assistant Dean had organized a workshop about “ Facebow Transfer” which have been organized by Assist Prof. Nabeel Seryoka Hanna Martani. The workshop was presented by Dr. Berivan Nawzad Hady, Dr. Zana Qadr and Dr. Zardasht N. Bradosty. The faculty staff, dentists and post-graduates had attended the workshop. It is worth mentioning that the mentioned activity had been sponsored by Dental Blue Print Company by using of “Virtual Face Bow” of  Zebris Company.

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