12th workshop about IT, Website, Profile, and Moodle

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12th workshop of Information System and Statistic Division about IT, Website, Profile, and Moodle

The 12th workshop of Information System and Statistic Division about IT, Website, Profile, and Moodle Online Learning System I by Dara Al-Banna.

Title: IT, Website, Profile, and Moodle Online Learning System XII

Type: workshop

Presenter: Dara Al-Banna, Sanarya Yousif.

Qualification: M.Sc. in Adult Nursing (PhD student),

Affiliation: Hawler Medical University/ College of Nursing

Audience: 4th Year Midwifery students of College of Nursing

Venue: College of Nursing/ Hall 3

No. of Participants: 28

Day: Wednesday

Date: 2nd May 2018

Time: 10:30 am



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