11th workshop for 3rd Year Midwifery Students

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11th workshop for 3rd Year Midwifery Students about IT, Website, and Moodle Online Learning System and How to Login College E-mail and Moodle Account XI

Title: 11th workshop for 3rd Year Midwifery Students about IT, Website, and Moodle Online Learning System and How to Login College E-mail and Moodle Account XI

Summary description: The IT workshops will continue for Nursing students of 3rd Year Midwifery and the 11th Workshop about IT, Website, and Moodle Online Learning System held by Mr. Dara Al-Banna , Ibtsam Muhammad and Sanarya Yousif in 22th February 2018 that focused on the importance of IT, Moodle and Website how to starting with Moodle Learning Management System and the Formal Emails with adding new features and activities.

Type: Workshop

Presenter: Dara Abdulla Al-Banna, Ibtsam Muhammad and Sanarya Yousif

 Qualification: MSc in Nursing (Ph.D. Student)

Affiliation: College of Nursing Hawler Medical University

 Audience: 1st Year Nursing students of Group A of Hawler Medical University.

 Venue: College of Nursing Hall No.3

No. of Participants: 62

 Day: Thursday

 Date: 22/2/2018

 Time: 10:30-12:00


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