Attendance and Messaging in Moodle

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A workshop  about Attendance and Messaging in Moodle 

A workshop of Information System and Statistic Division about Attendance and Messaging in Moodle Online Learning System by Mr. Dara Al-Banna and Miss. Chro Dzayee.

Title: Attendance and Messaging in Moodle Online Learning System

Type: Workshop

Presenter: Dara Al-Banna and Miss. Chro Dzayee.

Qualification: M.Sc. in Adult Nursing (PhD student), MSc in IT

Affiliation: Hawler Medical University/ College of Nursing- College of Health Science

Audience: Faculty members of College of Health Science

Venue: College of Health Science / Lab. 1

No. of Participants: 15

Day: Sunday

Date: 4-March- 2018

Time: 10:00 am

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