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Shield of Honor for Retirement 2025

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The President of Hawler Medical University presents the shield of honor to a number of professors, assistant professors, doctors, and employees of Hawler Medical University on the occasion of their retirement.

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, under the supervision and presence of Professor Dr. Noureddin Ismail Allah-Werdi President of Hawler Medical University and the presence of Dr. Amanj Najmuddin Bradosti Head of Aso Regional Committee and the Vice Presidents of Dr. Hawre Mustafa, Prof. Zhiyan Dzeyi, Dr. Karwan Mohammed Mohammed Amin, deans of colleges affiliated to our university and a large number of guests presented the shield of honor to professors, assistant professors, doctors and employees of Hawler Medical University on the occasion of their retirement
The ceremony began with a minute of silence for the souls of the martyrs, then Dr. Hawre Mustafa Bakr Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs in a speech on behalf of the Presidency of Hawler Medical University, warmly welcomed the participants performance of their work during their service that has given a long life to serve Hawler Medical University.
At the end of the ceremony, the President wished them success and good health in the next stages of their lives.

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