Health Education for Secondary School Girls

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The seminars were presented in Cheman secondary school for girls of students and teachers in

The seminars was presented in Cheman secondary school for girls of students and teachers in 15-4-2018. The seminar was included health education about(healthy foods, healthy lifestyles and physical activities) so these topics are necessary for public education especially nowadays. Finally, all attendance accepted with contents of the seminar and thanked the presenter.

Type of activity: Seminar

Presenter: Assist. Prof. Dr. Kareem F. Aziz

Qualification: PhD in Community Health Nursing.

Affiliation: College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University.

Audience: Cheman secondary school for girls of students and teachers

Venue: Cheman secondary school for girls in Erbil

No. of Participants: 80

Day: Sunday

Date: 15-4-2018

Time:10:00 am


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