Academic Relations

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Academic Relations


Academic Collaboration with Other Universities

Hawler Medical University has established a memorandum of agreements with a number of internationally reputed universities for collaboration in higher education and research


Current MOUs of Hawler Medical University: 


Country University MOU 
Erbil-Kurdistan Region-Iraq Tishk International University PDF
 Iran Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences  PDF
 Malaysia Universiti Sains of Malaysia  PDF
 Germany Department of pharmaceutical biology Gothenburg University (JGU) Mainz  PDF
 Poland Poznan University of Medical Science  PDF
 Cyprus  Cyprus Health and Social Science University  PDF
 Turkey Firat University  PDF
 Erbil-Kurdistan Region-Iraq Awamedica Drug Manufacturer  PDF
 Russia Federal State Education Budget Institution of Higher Education  PDF
 United States of America Latter-day Saint Charities (LDS Charities)  PDF
 Iran Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)  PDF
 United Kingdom The London School of Economics and Political Science  PDF
 United Kingdom University of Dundee  PDF
 United Kingdom The Global Child Dental Fund  PDF
 United Kingdom Cardiff University  PDF