Dean's Word of Dentistry


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Assist.Prof. Dr. Bassam Kareem Amin
The Dean

The College of Dentistry of Hawler Medical University was founded in 1995 at the University of Salahaddin-Erbil. Then, it has become under the management of Hawler Medical University when the university was established in 2005. The College receives up to 70 students each year.

The study in the college is 5 years and the students get a B.D.S (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) degree. The college also provides opportunity of postgraduate studies including MSc and PhD degrees in different specialties of dentistry.

The college has 6 scientific departments. The college has good relation with the community as it provides best available treatment to patients attending the teaching clinics. The teaching clinics at the college offer all types of treatment to people by the 4th and 5th study year students as well as the MSc and PhD candidates under the supervision of the university teaching staff.

The aim of college in the gradation  of a well-trained dentist to help in the development of dental health services for the community.