Qualitative Research Methods Workshops

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Qualitative Research Methods Workshops

The College of Nursing of Hawler Medical University in collaboration with the School of Nursing of Tehran

University of Medical Sciences conducted 5-days workshops about Qualitative Research Methods for faculty staff and PhD students on 2-7 February 2019. The aim of the workshops was to introduce the principles and practice of qualitative research methods in addition to hands-on training as the workshop ended in developing research proposals that will be implemented later through collaboration between the two universities.

Type: Workshop

Presenters: Professor Mohammad Ali Charaghi, Professor Alireza Nasrabadi Nikbakht, and Assist.Prof. Khatereh Seylani.

Qualification: PhD in Nursing

Affiliation: School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Science

Audience: Teachers and PhD students of the College of Nursing

Venue: Hall of seminars/ College of Nursing, HMU.  

No. of Participants: 32 Teachers and PhD students

Day: Saturday to Wednesday.

Date: 2nd -7th February 2019

Time: 9:00am to 3.00pm.

Duration: 5 days.

Workshop Announcement