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An Evidence-Based Approach To Communication Skills In Medical Education

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Two different training courses have been done at Hawler Medical University by Dr. Sameera Abdulrahman Mustafa from the College of Medicine

these courses have been aiming to improve medical teachers` communication skills in their communication with patients, students, colleagues, and the community.


Type of activity: Training course.   

Presenter: Dr Sameera Abdulrahman Mustafa

Qualification: Certified Trainer by the American Academy of Communication in Healthcare.

Affiliation: Communication skills curriculum designer and communication skills teaching coordinator at Hawler Medical College.

Audience: Lecturers at HMU.

Venue: College of Pharmacy/Seminal Hall.

No. of Participants:  26 lecturers in the first course. 22 lecturers in the second course.

Day: Each course lasted for 5 days.

Date: first course: 21st -25th July 2024.

         Second course: 25th -29th August 2024

Time: 8:30 am -12:30 pm.